WE delight in serving. Our joy is in Giving.
In 2015, amidst a crisis, a group of friends experienced this profound truth: God is always with us.
God’s grace and mercy were abundantly ours, extended to us through friends, family, and the kindness of strangers. Buoyed by this support, we greeted dark days with gratitude and turned our focus outward. Indeed, our healing came from helping others, from sharing the good things with which God has blessed us.
We immersed ourselves in cooking, teaching, offering encouragement, converting houses to homes, and connecting with God's green earth to feed others fresh food. These were service projects that had been the source of joy for us before. Indeed, God brought us through the storm . . . and put us right where we were meant to be.
By feeding, creating new beginnings, teaching, and honoring our neighbors, we transformed our communities – and ourselves. Together, we created a piece of heaven – a peace on earth!
This is the spirit that launched our nonprofit in 2016 – and that continues today, with God's love ever unfolding and expanding.
Heaven on earth is ...
the opportunity to serve.

We pride ourselves on being solutions-minded and leading efforts within our community to break down barriers and remove inequities. With more than 36 years leading health and homelessness initiatives in Baltimore, Heaven on Earth NOW's Executive Director Molly Cottrill is Vice Chair of the Governance Board of the Baltimore County Continuum of Care Roundtable. She also co-chairs the County CoC's Racial Inequities & Disparities Committee and the Landlord Engagement & Housing Committee, the latter of which actively pursues answers to the dearth of availability of low-income housing in Baltimore.
Angels Among US
Our volunteers are “angels” who devote time to shopping, harvesting, cooking, assembling, and delivering our mission. Guiding this effort is an executive team that includes: Pam Bennett, Molly Cottrill, Felicia Emry, Mary Kay Nabit, and Ann Shaw.
Our board of directors includes Michele Ferris, Kellie Huffman, Patty Kallmyer, Charles McGee, Janis Michaels, Mary Kay Nabit, Cheryl Starr, Dave Thomas, and Molly Cottrill, who serves as the Executive Director.
We work with many partners who refer clients to us and enable us to extend heaven on earth to more communities and neighborhoods.
Heaven on earth is...
rays of hope.

“Many of us who have a degree of comfort and ease economically think of poverty as a lack of material items.. But people who live in poverty say it’s much more soical and psychological. The isolation they feel is immense. When we acknowledge their presence, engage and ask them questions, our clients light up.
We don’t just provide furniture or home essentials. We provide acknowledgement, together with the dignity of sitting on a chair, serving dinner on a plate, and eating at a table.”
~Administrator, New Hope Furniture ministry, a partner who helps us furnish and stock the homes of those emerging from homelessness and crises