Think Before You Donate


fuel health. Combat hungeR. Ease Racial Disparities.

Food was created to be healing to the body. Our Think Before You Donate campaign has taught millions of people the life-saving importance of donating healthy nonperishables to food drives at schools and in the collection bins at church, work, local food banks, and soup kitchens. Nutritious donations are critical to the health of 41 million Americans who are food insecure. And we’re on a mission to teach you, and everyone we haven’t reached who contributes food or collects it for the hungry, the reasons why healthier food matters and what to give that costs no more than unhealthy versions.

With healthy donations, we can also help address racial disparities brought to the forefront by the COVID-19 crisis. After all . . .

  • Rates of hospitalization and deaths have disproportionately affected black and brown Americans, most living in poorer communities.

  • These same neighborhoods are often food deserts, where they cannot easily or affordably access healthy food.

  • Unhealthy diets set these citizens up for chronic disease and lowered immunity. Children also suffer setbacks at school with cognitive issues.

We must change our donation habits — to bring needed nutrition and to solve food inequity. How can YOU help? First, educate yourself on the Best Foods to Donate list. Second, teach others by sharing this page!

With the materials below, it’s easy to donate healthy food. Or to host a Healthy Food Drive yourself. GO do it NOW!


“. . . Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)


During this pandemic, 1 in 4 Americans are relying on food relief to survive. The need for healthy food is enormous.

Too often, the food we donate to food drives is GARBAGE. We clean out our kitchen cabinets of items we have not eaten. Most of the nonperishables we give are laden with fat, salt, and sugar.

People who are food insecure often have poor diets, made up of convenience store and fast food fare. In many low-income communities, grocery stores are not nearby and fresh produce is too expensive. The result? They are far more apt to have heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other chronic health problems.

Let’s take action now and stock healthy food in pantries, soup kitchens—and in the bins at our churches, schools, and workplaces. It’s not more expensive. For example, a can of tuna in water is the same cost as a can of tuna in oil – but it’s much better for our health. We are asking you to give the food you would feed your family. Give with the “least of these” prayerfully in mind.

Hosting a Healthy Food Drive? It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3… Use These!

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We are eager to help and to hear your food drive success. Our donations went up 83 percent when we converted traditional food drives to healthy food drives.

We can’t wait to see how you transform your food drives and collections. Report YOUR results here, or in the form below. Post your photos and results on social media with #thinkbeforeyoudonate


Every neighborhood needs healthy food.

every neighborhood needs healthy food.jpg